Laney White Troll Timeline

Last updated: 05.03.24

A troll will sometimes use insults to provoke other people to insult them.

The ongoing hate campaign, now in its eighth month, shows no signs of slowing down.

Below, you’ll see how they continuously twist the narrative to vilify Mr Bailey.

Is there a local troll cottage industry thriving in our community?

Cleary Ms White suffers from ABDS


Bob Ward raises a valid point, and I took action by blocking and reporting Ms White to Facebook. She has been fabricating stories about me on other pages and groups, spreading further defamatory material. Although she claims that posts have been reported to, presumably, Dorset Police, I have never been contacted by them regarding this matter. I believe this behaviour stems from someone who appears unstable, and it may be best for them to take a break from social media to reconsider their life choices.