15:00, 02.03.23 – The typical individuals, including Stewart Osborne, Samantha Bates (Sam Cary), and even David Owens (allegedly operated by Jason Richard Cridland), all file into the comments section of an article claiming that the countryside is racist with trolling remarks. Take a look at their recent barrage of trolling comments below, and consider how sad it is that this is how they choose to spend their time.

Trolls organising a pile on, targeting Dorset Echo readers:
Posted on Facebook in Jan 24 by a Facebook member:
BLOCKING is good for your mental health
Since blocking the trolls, I am now able to comment on Dorset Echo without fear of them piling on.
It can be quite overwhelming when the attacks are unexpected. This sort of behaviour can cause some anxiety and when you are outnumbered you may feel bullied.
I have since learnt these pile on’s are not an accident but coordinated efforts to target individuals.
Look at the screenshots, the original plan was to pile on those who reacted to a Dorset Echo article with a laughing emoji. Dorset Echo turned the comments off, so they resorted to plan B. (Plan b screenshot in the comments).
“This is inherently insidious and harms the fabric of our society by stifling the exchange of ideas and opinions.”
Quote from Investigative Journalist post:
Look at this post on Facebook
BLOCK A TROLL for your wellbeing
The original plan was to pile on those who reacted to a Dorset Echo article. Dorset Echo turned the comments off, so they resorted to plan B.

Please see the video screenshot of post below:
Example of trolling that stifles amicable exchange on social media.
Please see the video screenshot of post below: