The Curious Case of Weymouth’s Local Banksy Tribute Act (22.05.24)

Weymouth’s local Banksy tribute act and street botherer, BOD—whom I assume to be Robin John Waldren, as Andrew Daniel Smith goes by Smithsonian Rosterinø, leaving only one other director of Revolting Artists Ltd registered on Companies House—recently posted a rather unpleasant message directed at me, which has since been deleted. You can see the screenshot below. It begs the question: why are these people so obsessed with sexualising me, and what exactly have I done to them?

It seems we have another sufferer of Alex Bailey Derangement Syndrome. Despite not being involved in anything anti-barge since August of last year, they still can’t stop thinking about me—I do seem to live rent-free in their heads. Click here to learn more about this peculiar affliction.

Additionally, a little bird told me that both directors had trouble when Mr Cridland, local Jew-hater, got involved with their event, leading to a big falling out over money. As I’ve mentioned before, nothing screams crony capitalist pig like a communist in a room with money.

On a separate note, I am quite a fan of supporting local artists—even the revolting ones. Helping to strengthen the arts scene within the town with events like those organised by Smithsonian Rosterinø and BOD benefits everyone by fostering culture and creativity. No one wants to visit a place where art doesn’t bloom! Everything would be very boring, and where is the fun in that?